Amazon Trip Around the Blox

The short story about animals on a road trip from the Amazon Holiday Kids Gift Book comes to life as an immersive online social game on Roblox.

Amazon Holiday Kids Gift

This annual toy catalog is shipped during the Holiday Season to over 30 Million households in America. With 650+ toys, this catalog is a popular staple for many families looking to buy gifts for their children.

Inside the Gift Book are various activities for kids and a short story about the animals on a road trip, illustrated by Lisk Feng.

A digital experience, inspired by the characters

We saw the characters and story as an opportunity to create a new digital experience to promote the launch of the Amazon Holiday Gift book. With Roblox already having a brand page within the book, it naturally served as the perfect platform to create a new and extended, social game.

With the help of a game studio, The Gang Sweden, we brought the rich illustrations in the Gift Book of the characters and their world to life on Roblox.

People are able to access the game via a QR code within the Gift Catalog.

Free-For-All Mini Games

Players compete against each other to earn coins in a series of free-for-all-style mini games, inspired by one of the animals.

Game 1 - Hedgehog Dash

Players are dropped onto a platform where hedgehogs come barreling towards them. Avoid getting hit; the more waves of hedgehogs players survive, the more coins they win.

Game 2 - Rockslide Rally

Navigate through this obstacle course and get to the other side. Jump over marshmallow spinners, avoid falling rocks, slip down treacherous ice, and more. The fastest player wins the most coins.

Game 3 - Owl Says

Players must watch for an animal tile that Owl calls out and run to that tile before the time runs out – or they will fall into the lake. The last player standing wins the most points.

Game 4 - Pack Up

Players must run and pick up gifts and drop them off at a Delivery Zone. Those who pick up the most items in the time limit win, but players have to careful - the gifts can be stolen from them.

Redeem In-Game Items at the Animal’s Shops

Players redeem various in-game items to dress their Avatars using the coins they earned in the mini games. These items are inspired by the Gift Book and the animals: paper animal masks, animal accessories like hats and bags, and players can even win a costume that looks like the Red Car.

Profile Badges for Bragging Rights

We created profile badges that players can display on their profiles to show off to their friends that they’re all-star players in Trip Around the Blox.

Exclusive Item - Amazon Box

As part of the experience, we created one exclusive item that players could use on their avatars – to wear anywhere on the Roblox platform, not just in the experience. Players can run around with the Amazon Box on their avatar’s head anywhere and everywhere - even in other branded experiences!


  • 2.8 Million unique visits in the first week with no extra paid media

  • 525K+ users that have claimed this exclusive item

  • 87% Positive Rating from users

  • Webby Awards 2023 – Shortlist Winner, New Realities & Metaverse


Amazon's Holiday Dash on Roblox


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